


在写需求的时候,对 index.html 页面的按钮做了 transition 效果来使样式展示更平滑。

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一开始记录在 Onenote 中的笔记复制都是直接图片形式。所以我先复制到记事本再转到 markdown

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在写某个需求时,想要做点击按钮动态添加样式表示选中的效果,在写 js 代码的时候遇到了疑问点。

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在阅读《CSS权威指南》的过程中,读到关于伪类选择器时的“选择第一个子元素”部分,发现对于伪类 :first-child 存在误解。

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在阅读 Head First HTML与CSS 第2版过程中,在增加字体和颜色样式部分学习到为页面增加Web字体。
其中运用了 @font-face 功能,照示例所写是失败的。

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2018.12.17 11:07 ES6学习中

Thejsway/chapter26 <Project: a social news web app>


Project: a social news web app

This final project is the culmination of the book. You can check out the expected result. Good luck!

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2018.12.16 16:04 ES6学习中

Thejsway/chapter23 Coding time <New article>


New article

Write the HTML code that shows input fields for creating a new blog article by entering its title and content.
Then, write the associated JavaScript code to send the article fields as form data to the URL https://thejsway-server.herokuapp.com/articles. You should receive a confirmation message from the server and display it on the page.

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2018.12.16 13:22 ES6学习中(似乎出现了爬虫(并不 )

Thejsway/chapter22 Coding time <GitHub profile>


GitHub profile

The ubiquitous code sharing platform GitHub has a public API. The goal of this exercise is to display some information about a GitHub user, identified by his login. The API documentation is available here.
Use this API to show the profile picture, name and website address of a GitHub user whose login is entered in a text box.

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