
2018.12.15 20:42 ES6学习中

Thejsway/chapter19 <Project: a social news web page>


Project: a social news web page

You know now enough JavaScript and DOM to go ahead and create interactive web pages for real!

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2018.12.15 18:04 ES6学习中

Thejsway/chapter18 Coding time <Bouncing ball>``(<Chronometer>)


Bouncing ball

The goal of this exercise is to make a basketball bounce across the screen. You can download the ball image here.
Start with the following HTML and CSS content.

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2018.12.15 15:27 ES6学习中

Thejsway/chapter17 Coding time <Autocomplete>



In this exercise, you’ll have to assist the user in selecting a country. As he enters the country name in an input box, the page shows a list of corresponding countries. Clicking on a suggested country replaces the value in the input box.

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